Meet Robert Pugh,

an award-winning international wedding photographer who started his business with little more than a second-hand camera and a kit lens. 10 years later, he now travels worldwide to cover weddings. Check out his story:

How did you get into wedding photography?  

Photography had always been a part of my youth growing up, but after spending some years in the British Army then travelling the globe, I knew a desk job was not going to work for me. I loved travelling, meeting new people and creating memories. It just made sense to go into photography as it was the one Job that could meet all my expectations.
Now I’ve done my fair share of figuring out what sort of photography id like to cover, My career started as a celebrity photographer. But after covering my first wedding for a friend, I got the bug and new this matched my personality as I snapped the shots and came away boxing with joy! Everyone at a wedding is so happy, why would you not want to get invited to a party every weekend.

Is there someone you look up to and if so, how did they influence your thinking, photography, and career path?

Yes, there is one person without his knowledge has been a significant influence on my photography. Before I started my own photography carrier, I was hucked on Zack Arias and his ability to only use one light. It was that that started me challenging myself and being what I could create with just one light. Seeing his business grow only gave me the inspiration to do the same. We all have our ups and downs, but knowing someone just like you has gone through the complicated steps only gives you the motivation to keep pushing forward in your career.

Can you share with us your goals that motivates you to become better everyday?

Everyone needs goals, without them, we are dead in the water. You need something to look forward to and to motivate you daily. My goals are travel. I have a map on the wall with a wishlist of places to visit and landmarks to see. I tell myself if I make a target I’ve set, say 15 weddings booked, then I’ll book a holiday to one of the destinations. Last year I booked 4 Holidays, Mexico, Cuba, HongKong and Switzerland. It was a good year. This year I’ve been to the Dominic Republic, Italy and Colon.

What’s the greatest challenge you’ve encountered throughout your career?

Getting to year 3 when starting out as a full-time wedding photographer. Alright, I’ve been in some situations from my time in the Army, but nothing is more challenging and rewarding doing a successful business that’s still growing today. It certainly wasn’t without its ups and downs, but I knew when I made it to year three we were finally established as a business. There was so much to figure out, and at times I’m still figuring it out.

How do you build a good relationship with clients?

By not telling them what they need and instead listen to what they want. I love interacting with my clients and getting to know them. A topical consultation when we first meet will mostly be me getting to know them. It’s more about making a friendship and buys working this way; everything just works.

You’ve been in the industry for years now, can you say that you are happy with everything that has happened so far? And if you can turn back time, is there anything you would have done differently?

To date, I’m thrilled with everything I’ve acheved so far. If I could turn back time and do anything differently, it would be to have Studio Ninja from the beginning. No one should run there business on scraps of paper and in a disorganised calendar. You need a Studio Management system in place for your business to be successful.

I have only been using the Studio Management system for the past five years, I honestly wish I had this from the beginning.

What’s the best advice you can give to those who are starting out, to take their photography business to the next level?

Don’t look at it as a job, be the relaxed photographer and love what he creates. Slow down and take in what’s around you, NOT firing your camera like a machine gun hoping to grab one image out of the 20 you just took. I found by slowing down, telling the story became more natural and did a rewarding business.

What are you excited about in the next couple of months/years?

Photography, in general, excite me and how its evolving in this modern world we live in. I love technology, I’m a bit of a tec-head when it comes to gadgets. Cameras are nothing like they once were, and now we are in this mirrorless market sky is the limit. Just look at LightRoom and how you can have all your images on all your devices over the cloud. For me, I’m excited about photography in general and the path it’s taking.

How can interested clients reach you? 

That’s easy if you would love to chat whether it’s regarding weddings, portraits of taking your photography to the next level head over to my website and drop me an email using the contact form.