Wow, it’s been a massive month for us here at Studio Ninja HQ. We have started inviting our 2nd round of users and within 2 weeks grew from 100 original beta testers to over 500 users, which is absolutely amazing.

the best studio management software, studio ninja mockup

Other amazing news and something closer to our hearts: starting now we will donate $10 per annual subscription and $1 per monthly subscription every month to YGAP. Our mission? To help YGAP change the lives of one million lives by funding entrepreneurs in some of the worlds toughest communities with ideas to end poverty!

Now the exciting stuff! We’ve been planning our next month worth of work and wanted to keep you guys in the loop as a lot of this stuff has been suggested by you! It’s another big development cycle and we’re probably not going to sleep much, but we’re just super excited to get this stuff rolled out ASAP. Here is a list of what we will be working on and releasing in the next month:

  • More prettiness and awesomeness: We’ll be working on making Studio Ninja more user friendly and sexier to use.
  • Email Tracking: You will be able to see a log of all the emails that were sent to your clients as well as see if they were viewed and even opened by your clients!
  • Editable Job Types: You will be able to add or delete Job Types and best of all, assign your own colours to those jobs!
  • Google Maps integration: The location you enter when creating a Job will become a clickable link directly to Google Maps from your computer or mobile.
  • One-click iCal integration: For all our iCal users, we’ll be implementing a one-click iCal button in settings to sync up your calendars.
  • Taxes: include or exclude taxes for your products/packages/services: For our American friends you will be able to specify which products/packages/services will include taxes or not.
  • New filters in the Jobs Overview page: You will be able to filter your Jobs by: Active Jobs, Active Jobs excluding Leads, Leads Only and lastly Completed Jobs.
  • See & edit email addresses when sending emails: You will be able to see and edit the email address of who you are sending your emails to, including quotes, contracts, questionnaires and contracts. You’ll also be able to cc additional people as well.
  • Save previous settings: We’re going to make sure the system remembers all your settings and filters on the Dashboard, Clients Overview, Jobs Overview and Payments Overview so it’s the same, every time you login.
  • Personal client portal branding: Your client portal web pages will be titled with your business name, instead of Studio Ninja.
  • Send receipt button when invoices are paid: We’re creating a send receipt button that will live on the invoice page so you can quickly and easily send your client a receipt after a payment has been made.
  • Editable invoice date: We are making the invoice and quote issue date editable so you will be able to back date or forward date invoices.
  • Additional currencies: For all our international friends, we’re adding South African Rand, Singapore Dollars, Hong Kong Dollars, Egyptian Pounds, Danish Krone, Sri Lankan Rupees, Swedish Dollars and Czech Koruna.
  • Bug fixing: as always there are a few bugs in the system that need to be ironed out and we are working on fixing those on an on going basis.

This is just the major stuff we’re working on, there’s plenty more awesomeness in the pipeline coming your way as well!

As always, thanks so much for sticking with us! The software is improving dramatically each month, so keep the suggestions and feedback rolling in, we LOVE hearing it!!

In the meantime if there is anything we can help with or if you need a hand getting up and running please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have.

Thanks again

Chris & Yuan @ Studio Ninja