077: Lex Fleming – How to Create a Unique Personal Brand & Work With Couples That Make Your Heart Sing

October 20, 2022

“It’s okay to not want to share everything with your audience. You get to decide that.”


Hey everyone! It’s Sally here, from Studio Ninja. Today’s episode is all about Lex Fleming!

Lex Fleming is a wedding photographer from London with a passion for nontraditional celebrations. Originally starting as a music photographer with a short stop as a creative arts teacher, Lex is now a full time photographer for the couples that hate stuffy photos. A self proclaimed professional party crasher, Lex loves to make sure the couples she works with are 100% her ideal clients and this developed into her love for branding & marketing.

Check out some of the biggest points from Lex’s interview below:

  • Lex’s journey in the Photography Industry
  • What is a brand?
  • How do you build a brand?

  • Why is this important for your business?
  • How your branding shapes your marketing
  • Top Marketing Tips

  • How digital marketing changes your business model
  • Advice for small businesses on a budget
  • What a huge impact branding can have on your business

  • The one thing that made a difference to Lex’s business!

What does a brand mean to you?

I think the industry is so big, it’s ever expanding. There is also so many incredible suppliers. When I joined the industry, you really didn’t know how to be a wedding photographer. There is so much education out there now for young photographers, young suppliers that you really can be top of your game within six months. So what’s going to be different about you to other people ultimately is your brand. You could shoot the same wedding and the same venue and the same everything as someone else, but it’s going to be your brands that make you both different. So, building a strong brand, and nine times out of 10, just the nature of the industry, it can also overlap into personal brands. A personal brand is, I’ve used the word alter ego, that’s probably how I view my personal brand. It’s how I decide to present myself on my social media and my website and things like that.

What is a brand?

To me, a brand is a character that is your business. If your business was a person or a movie or a band, what immediately comes to mind for your business? The best example that I’ve ever used when working on this for myself, because I regularly check in with what my brand is, because it changes in eight years. The best one I’ve always used is, if your brand was a party, what sort of party would your brand be? So it’s this character, it’s this sort of alter ego that isn’t a human, is this sort of entity is the best way I can describe it I think.


If you could add one final piece of advice, something that’s made a difference in your personal life or your business life, what would that piece of advice be?

I think we’ve talked about sharing our personalities. I actually feel like any advice I would give anyone right now is, decide what parts of your life you want to share. So if you’re not comfortable sharing your children or your relationship or there’s parts of your life that you feel that you don’t want to share, you shouldn’t have to. This is still business. But I think having a clear idea of the parts of your personality and your life that you do want to share and capitalize on that.

So, it’s okay to not want to share everything. I think that’s something I’m learning and that’s probably what I would change going through my journey of my brand. And it’s so easy to be daunted by this word brand, but actually if you break it down and you just start asking basic questions, like the party one, if your brand was hosting an event, what would that event be? What food would be served? What’s the entertainment? How would your brand, if it was a host, greet its guests? I think that’s also a really strong part of being a brand. It’s not just a logo, it’s not just a colour palette, it’s how you communicate to your couples.

How I communicate to my couples is very different to how a traditional wedding photographer would. I use really informal language. Even my emails when they book in are relaxed and informal. So, those are words that I associate with my brand and that’s how I want my couples to almost view my brand as well, view my business. So yeah, I think don’t be afraid to start with the basics and build from there.

Thank you!

Thanks again to you all for joining us and a huge thanks to Lex for joining us on the show!

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions about this episode, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post, and if you liked the episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post!

That’s it for me this week, I hope you all enjoyed this episode.

See you soon,


About Lex Fleming

Lex Fleming is a wedding photographer from London with a passion for nontraditional celebrations. Originally starting as a music photographer with a short stop as a creative arts teacher, Lex is now a full time photographer for the couples that hate stuffy photos. A self proclaimed professional party crasher, Lex loves to make sure the couples she works with are 100% her ideal clients and this developed into her love for branding & marketing.