Spotlight: Meet Tim Williams

Meet Tim Williams, an amazing photographer from New Zealand who went from assistant to completely booked out by using the power of building relationships! Favourite quote: "Don't build your business, build relationships and that will in turn build your business" This month we had [...]

Spotlight: Meet Tim Williams2018-06-28T11:32:32+10:00

Latest Update: New Workflow Rules

New Workflow features have been released! Improve your lead management with these two new workflow rules. We've been really busy as usual chatting with our users and finding ways to improve our product. And once again we deliver! Our users - you guys told us that our workflows need to be improved further so [...]

Latest Update: New Workflow Rules2018-06-28T11:37:35+10:00

Latest Update: Xero Integration + Email Attachments

Hey everyone! Hope you're well :-) As always, we've been working our butts off and we're really excited to bring you three new game changing features!! ​​ 1. Studio Ninja is now integrated with Xero accounting software 💥 Woohoo! If you currently use Xero, just go to the new Settings > Integrations option and link [...]

Latest Update: Xero Integration + Email Attachments2018-06-28T11:37:46+10:00

Latest Update: Editable Workflows

February Update: Editable Workflows We have been working non stop, day and night to bring you this super exciting update! We have redesigned our workflows to be more flexible, easier to setup and have more functionality. This update includes: The ability to drag 'n' drop, add, edit and remove workflow tasks from within each [...]

Latest Update: Editable Workflows2018-06-28T11:38:00+10:00

Latest Update: Auto send receipts & in-app chat

February Studio Ninja Update Hey everyone, we deployed another update last night and have some exciting news Our latest updates include: - Auto Send Receipt for credit card payments (Settings > Payment Schedules & Reminder). Activate this feature to allow Studio Ninja to automatically email your client a receipt when they [...]

Latest Update: Auto send receipts & in-app chat2018-06-28T11:38:50+10:00

Latest Update: Email Integration’s and Job Redesign

January Studio Ninja Update Happy new year everyone! We plan on releasing an update tonight so I just wanted to keep you all in the loop with what is going on This is what we plan to release tonight: - You'll notice a redesigned Job Profile page (right hand side). We [...]

Latest Update: Email Integration’s and Job Redesign2018-06-28T11:39:02+10:00

Latest Update: Refer a Friend and new IOS and Android phone icon

December Studio Ninja Update Hey everyone! We had an awesome deployment last night, and although we're pretty tired today, we're powering on! Because you have all been so awesome referring photographers to us, we thought we should reward you again with our new Refer a Friend feature in Studio Ninja! Simply [...]

Latest Update: Refer a Friend and new IOS and Android phone icon2018-06-28T11:39:13+10:00

November ’16 Update: A new Email Log

November Studio Ninja Update From the beginning we have been very transparent and honest with all of you and we're working our asses off to bring you the best possible product that we can create. We are SO grateful for this group being so active and regularly providing awesome feedback, suggestions [...]

November ’16 Update: A new Email Log2017-03-24T14:06:26+10:00

The 5 most important things you need to do before shooting your first wedding!

This is the holy grail, beginners guide to getting you prepared and ready for your first wedding shoot. Are you freaking out about shooting your first wedding!? This article will give you the Top 5 MOST IMPORTANT wedding photography tips that you need to know and implement before shooting your first wedding! I wish someone had told me these [...]

The 5 most important things you need to do before shooting your first wedding!2017-04-21T19:45:26+10:00

October ’16 Update: Client Portal and Invoicing improvements

October Studio Ninja Update Hey everyone, as always it's been a busy month here at Studio Ninja HQ. The winter is ending and we're releasing a bunch of new features as the warmer weather approaches :-) This update contains a lot of usefully usability improvement rather than big new features - [...]

October ’16 Update: Client Portal and Invoicing improvements2017-03-24T14:06:41+10:00