About ninjasupport

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So far ninjasupport has created 111 blog entries.

075: Lisa Devlin – Pricing Hot Tips & The 3 Magic Emails!

075: Lisa Devlin - Pricing Hot Tips & The 3 Magic Emails! September 30, 2022 "Every single thing you do in your business, every single thing you put out into the world - should all be to make a connection with the [...]

075: Lisa Devlin – Pricing Hot Tips & The 3 Magic Emails!2022-10-11T19:06:23+10:00

071: Laura Canham – How Perfection Can Kill Your Business & Tips On Shifting Your Money Mindset.

071: Laura Canham - How Perfection Can Kill Your Business & Tips On Shifting Your Money Mindset. August 20, 2022 "Progress over Perfection. Getting something done and making progress with it, is better than doing nothing because you're focused on perfection." LAURA [...]

071: Laura Canham – How Perfection Can Kill Your Business & Tips On Shifting Your Money Mindset.2022-08-30T22:57:15+10:00

070: James Jebson: Developing Your Personal Brand & Finding Your Why

070: James Jebson: Developing Your Personal Brand & Finding Your Why August 10, 2022 "Have self-confidence and believe in your abilities." JAMES JEBSON Hey everyone! It's Sally here, from Studio Ninja. Today's episode is all about James [...]

070: James Jebson: Developing Your Personal Brand & Finding Your Why2022-08-30T22:56:31+10:00

068: Toni Darcy – Shooting Creative Portraits in Uninspiring Locations & Mindfulness Tips for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

068: Toni Darcy - Shooting Creative Portraits in Uninspiring Locations & Mindfulness Tips for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed July 20, 2022 "Make time for yourself!" TONI DARCY Hey everyone! It's Sally here, from Studio Ninja. Today's episode [...]

068: Toni Darcy – Shooting Creative Portraits in Uninspiring Locations & Mindfulness Tips for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed2022-08-01T23:33:13+10:00