Hey everyone, we just deployed our latest update last night and it’s an awesome one! As always, we hear you, and we’re working our butts off to deliver features and updates that make your experience with using Studio Ninja better.
New Contact Form Customisation, including:
- Background colour, text colour, button colour and font are now customizable.
- The form is now totally responsive and will resize for any device.
- The subject line is now unique so it always creates a new thread in your inbox.
- When you click reply, your email will go to them, not us!
- All fields are now compulsory.
- We’ve added Google ReCaptcha so you never get spam.
- When a client completes a questionnaire, you will be emailed with the questions and answers straight to your inbox.
- Jobs in LEAD stage will now appear in your google calendar as (LEAD) Job Name.
- We’ve added a loader to all buttons so you know the app is loading, not frozen!
- We’ve updated the Client CSV importer to be easier to use with more helpful messages.
- Plus bugs have been fixed.
- XERO integration is going to be sent off to Xero next week for review/approval!!
- We’ve also migrated our software to app.studioninja.co! Tomorrow, our marketing website will change from studioninjacrm.com to www.studioninja.co
We are now currently working on:
- The ability to add a job without a date.
- Client Portal popup that helps the client with navigation.
- And if we have time, calendar updates including enabling right-click to open jobs in new tab, allow back button to take you back to the month you were viewing, and a highlighted today on the date picker.
- And FINALLY finish Xero Integration!