042: Johl Dunn – Taking Care of Your Mental Health & Nurturing a Positive Daily Mindset
September 30, 2021
“You’re definitely way better than you think you are, in every aspect. So just have the faith in yourself.”
Hey everyone! It’s Sally here, from Studio Ninja. Today’s episode is all about mindset coach, Johl Dunn.
Johl has successfully operated both wedding and portrait photography studios for over 18yrs and has now turned his hand to helping other photographers grow their passion into a fulfilling & thriving business.
Now a full-time mindset and business coach, Johl helps ambitious photographers build highly profitable businesses by creating a sales & marketing engine as well as completely rewiring their subconscious programming & limiting beliefs. It is a process that is designed in a particular order to slowly move his clients through changing habits, routines & thought patterns so new opportunities & ideas surface and their businesses start to thrive. It’s a holistic approach that reduces stress, achieves balance, enhances fulfilment & brings about wild business success.
Check out some of the biggest points from Johl’s interview below:
What are the common hurdles that you see all the time that photographers & videographers are trying to overcome?
Probably the biggest couple are self doubt, and lack of confidence, and money blocks.
By far, those two are probably the big ones. So overcoming those is, first understanding the person, and delving a bit deeper into why they’ve got those blocks or those confidence issues, because they stem from somewhere. And most of the time, they stem from childhood somewhere. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, but it might be… One of my clients for example, she had a big issue with money blocks. Charging what she was worth, and it was always a struggle, and her clients never had money.
When we delved back into it, and we talked a few things through, her parents had had seven businesses as a kid, and they all went bust. And they went bankrupt twice. And she just never put the two and two together, and she’s like, “Holy shit. My whole childhood was struggle, and bankruptcy, and business is hard.” And so we rewired all that through some affirmations, and different statements, and different meditations and stuff to rewire her beliefs around money, and what she could charge. And then she went from 600 to 1,900 average very quickly.
Because that was the block. It’s amazing how much that can dramatically change a person’s business just from changing what’s going on up here a little.
And for me, it’s not necessarily… Yes, we want business success, that’s definitely one of the bigger things we focus on. But it’s very holistic, because it has to be about your lifestyle as well. I’ve had clients that were at 10,000 they want to go to 50. And I’ve had clients that are at 200 want to go to 400. So it’s relative to them. But it’s also making it manageable within their lifestyle. So how many hours do they want to work? What do they want to do? How many kids do they have? What do they want to do as a family? What does that money afford them to do? Is more the point.
What are your top tips for running a successful business from a mindset perspective?
It’s really great to work on your photography obviously, and that’s part of it. But also work on you, because you are the main instrument of your business. What I mean by that is, keep learning, and evolving. And so like I said, podcasts like this, or books, talking to other people in the industry. Obviously I’m biased, but coaching. I’ve had six or seven coaches myself. So I’m a huge advocate, because when you have a good coach or mentor, they’ll fast track you by years, literally years. In two or three months you can fast track. And I think I’ve… It’s over 100K I’ve spent on coaching over the last eighth years. And it’s worth every penny.
Every time I get stuck, I’ll look for something to unstuck me, if you want. So I’ll find a coach, or something. But I’m always reading as well. And I’m reading… It’s crazy, at the moment, I’m reading about neuroscience, and quantum physics at the moment, which sounds like it’s got nothing to do with coaching, but it’s got everything to do with mindset.
If you could add one final piece of advice, something that’s made a difference in your personal life or your business life, what would that piece of advice be?
Oh, that’s a good one, it’s like I could talk for an hour on this. I think just back yourself is probably it. Know that you’re probably… You are definitely, you’re way better than you think you are, in every aspect. So just have the faith in yourself. And also, the other one would be, just get out of your comfort zone. Stop doing… Every time you jump out of your comfort zone and try something scary in business or in life, you jump up dramatically in results. So the more you can do that… Successful people have just got out of their comfort zone more than other people, that’s pretty much the only thing.
Thank you!
Thanks again to you all for joining us and a huge thanks to Johl for joining us on the show!
If you have any suggestions, comments or questions about this episode, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post, and if you liked the episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post!
That’s it for me this week, I hope you all enjoyed this episode.
See you soon,
About Johl Dunn
Johl has successfully operated both wedding and portrait photography studios for over 18yrs and has now turned his hand to helping other photographers grow their passion into a fulfilling & thriving business.
Now a full-time mindset and business coach, Johl helps ambitious photographers build highly profitable businesses by creating a sales & marketing engine as well as completely rewiring their subconscious programming & limiting beliefs. It is a process that is designed in a particular order to slowly move his clients through changing habits, routines & thought patterns so new opportunities & ideas surface and their businesses start to thrive. It’s a holistic approach that reduces stress, achieves balance, enhances fulfilment & brings about wild business success.